The Half-Astrophysicist Blog

Partial Lunar Eclipse Photos

I managed to get up this morning for the partial lunar eclipse. I didn’t try to get up and see the whole thing but just took a few photos near the maximum eclipse (in which Earth’s shadow covered about 38% of the Moon).

First picture is with my usual setup: a Canon Digital Rebel Xti and a 70-300mm zoom lens.

I also had my Galileoscope ready to go with a webcam attached (everything was set up in my living room the night before!) I snapped a few quick pics with it as well.

I didn’t stay up too much after this. The Moon was getting low in the sky and I would have had to go somewhere else to keep taking pics as it was about to go behind some trees and a building. Nice event and can’t wait for the next total lunar eclipse!

June 4, 2012 Posted by | Astrophotography, lunar eclipse, Moon | | Leave a comment